crazyhorse Literary Journalcrazyhorse Archive

Issue Number 09, Dec. 1971


Jeremiah's Nature Poem

Gordon Anderson

Jeremiah's Dream

Gordon Anderson

That One

Charles Bukowski

Giraffes: The American Version

Stephen Dunn

A Reason for Not Giving Up on People

Stephen Dunn


David Allen Evans


Siv Cedering Fox

Day Dream

Louis Ginsberg

Success Story

Patricia Goedicke


Philip Hey

An Interview with David Ignatow

David Ignatow

An Interview with David Ignatow

David Ignatow


Greg Kuzma

Killing the Miniature Whale

Greg Kuzma

The Freeze

Greg Kuzma

Good Evening, Albert Einstein!

Donald Lawder

I Have Made My Fortune at 51

Donald Lawder

Four Poems from "The Santa Cruz Mountain Poems"

Morton Marcus

Out of Snow

Mark McCloskey

Krishna Provides

Ken McCullough

The Misanthropist

Robert Peters

Parable of What You've Always Wanted to Come True

Robert Peters

Women Partly Explained

Paula Rankin

Poem Written while Hitching to a Place on the Way

Ross Talarico

Workers' Poem

Ross Talarico

Simple Truths

Ross Talarico

People Are Sleepy in a Crumbling Country

Dennis Trudell

Foliage: The Tarot IX of Pentacles

Lewis Turco


John Unterecker

From "Winesburg by the Sea"

Harold Witt